Lab 1: Location
Assigned: 2025-02-11
Due: 2025-02-20
Assigned: 2025-02-11
Due: 2025-02-20
In this lab, you will start by developing a small standalone application to measure location data, and then you will use it to collect real-world data.
Labs in 6.1820 consist of a number of tasks, each of which has one or more deliverables. This lab has 3 tasks with varying number of deliverables.
Start working on the lab early. The lab requires you to collect data by walking outdoor (Task 2 – Compare the Accuracy of the Location Methods) and leaving your phone without touching for 4 hours twice. (Task 3 – Compare the Battery Drain of the Location Methods).
You may work on this lab in pairs.
You will use a standalone iOS app called PositionLogger
The PositionLogger app allows you to log position data at different accuracies, using different positioning technologies, including WiFi, Cellular, and GPS.
We've provided most of the code for the PostitionLogger App, including a simple UI for choosing a desired accuracy, as well as an interface to email a log file of recorded positions out of the app. The main UI of the PostionLogger is shown below:
Your job is to implement the calls to the iOS CoreLocation API to request location updates at the desired accuracy, and then compare the accuracy and power drain of the different approaches.
Make sure “iPad” is checked if you are simulating and uploading to an iPad.
The primary way that location is accessed on iOS use though the CoreLocation class CLLocationManager. Using this class you can request location updates at a certain accuracy, and also configure the accuracy with which data is created.
In the PositionLogger app, the main screen is an instance of a ViewController object (as specified in ViewController.swift.) iOS creates one instance of the ViewController class for us when the application is initialized, because the Main.storyboard file, which we chose as the main storyboard for the app in the Info.plist file, specifies that the initial view for the app should be an instance of ViewController.
In the viewDidLoad method of ViewController.swift, we've already created an instance of a CLLocationManager object for you to use and initialized some of the relevant properties of it. These are the lines at the beginning of the viewDidLoad method:
1 self.locationManager = CLLocationManager()
2 self.locationManager?.requestAlwaysAuthorization()
3 self.locationManager?.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = true
4 self.locationManager?.delegate = self
5 self.locationManager?.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone
6 self.locationManager?.disallowDeferredLocationUpdates()
You can read about the details of the methods in the CLLocationManager documentation, but the gist of this code is that we are requesting that:
Lines 2 & 3: Location updates be delivered all the time, even when the app is in the background (we have also added an entry to the "Required Background Modes" dictionary of the Info.plist file in the project to allow this to work).
Line 4: The LocationManager will call methods indicating the arrival of new data on our class (we are the "delegate" of the LocationManager).
Line 5: We want location updates whenever they are available (no matter how little the phone has moved).
Line 6: We want iOS to deliver location updates to us immediately, not batch them together.
Note that the settings in line 5 & 6 may have negative implications on the battery life of the device, but they will allow us to get the highest fidelity data for this lab.
The goal of this first task is to log location data to a file and perform some simple analysis of the data.
To acquire the log, you will need to modify the PositionLogger app to start capturing location samples when the "Start" button is tapped. Open the ViewController.swift file. We have implemented most of this class for you -- scroll down and find the hitRecordStopButton method:
if(!self.isRecording) {
self.accuracyControl.isEnabled = false
sender.setTitle("Stop", for: UIControlState.normal)
self.isRecording = true
switch self.accuracyControl.selectedSegmentIndex {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
default: ()
} else {
self.accuracyControl.isEnabled = true
sender.setTitle("Start", for: UIControlState.normal)
self.isRecording = false
This method calls startRecordingLocationWithAccuracy or stopRecordingLocationWithAccuracy as appropriate. You need to implement the body of these methods.
startRecordingLocationWithAccuracy should set the desiredAccuracy property of the CLLocationManager object to the appropriate accuracy based on the supplied value of the acc argument. Note that iOS does not explicitly allow an application to request GPS, WiFi, or Cellular positioning -- instead it provides the following constants to choose from:
extern const CLLocationAccuracy kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation;
extern const CLLocationAccuracy kCLLocationAccuracyBest;
extern const CLLocationAccuracy kCLLocationAccuracyNearestTenMeters;
extern const CLLocationAccuracy kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters;
extern const CLLocationAccuracy kCLLocationAccuracyKilometer;
extern const CLLocationAccuracy kCLLocationAccuracyThreeKilometers;
You also need to call startUpdatingLocation on the CLLocationManager.
stopRecordingLocationWithAccuracy just needs to call stopUpdatingLocation on the CLLocationManager object. (It's OK to call this function on the CLLocationManager even if it is already stopped.)
The next step is to implement code to log position updates as they arrive. We've already set up the instance of ViewController.swift as the delegate of the CLLocationManager object. This means that it will call the didUpdateLocations method on ViewController.swift when a location update is available. You need to implement this method. Its signature is as follows:
optional func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation])
Your implementation of didUpdateLocations should iterate through the locations and log them to the file. We've provided a method logLineToDataFile that logs a String to the log file (which you can then email to yourself using the email button.)
In the later part of this lab, you're going to visualize and analyze this data, so you'll need to at minimum log the reading's timestamp, latitude, longitude, and horizontal accuracy, along with the battery level of the device. To get the current battery level you can call:
We'd also suggest logging the course (bearing) and speed attributes from the supplied CLLocation objects. For time, we suggest just converting the timestamp (NSDate) object in each CLLocation to a Unix time stamp:
Note that we currently write a header at the start of the log file in the viewDidLoad method:
You may want to modify this depending on what you choose to log.
We've implemented the rest of the application to allow you to capture data from it and email data to yourself. Verify that it works by attempting to log some data with GPS accuracy on your phone and email it to yourself (note that location updates can be simulated in the simulator, but that the simulator does not support the email interface properly).
To make sure that the app always has access to location information (especially in iOS 13), go to Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services -> PositionLogger -> select "Always".
In the rest of this part of the lab you'll collect some data outdoors and compare the different location methods, looking at accuracy and power of the different techniques.
There are no deliverables for this task.
In this exercise, you will walk from the corner of Vassar and Main to the corner of Vassar and Mass Ave three times. For each walk, you'll run the app at a different location accuracy, and compare the difference in the overall estimated distance and plot the points on a map.
See this map for the route you will walk: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zcVI9zKum-vM.kVzhADJu9RDg&usp=sharing
According to Google, the length of this route is .306 miles (492.5 meters).
Specifically, for each of the three accuracy settings:
Once you have the three log files, your task is to compute the "connect the dots" distance for each path, and to plot each path on a map.
The "connect the dots" distance of a path is just the sum of the distances between every consecutive point. Each point is a latitude/longitude pair, which represents a point on the surface of the earth. For points that are close together, Euclidian distance is a close approximation of the actual distance, but for points that are far apart, a straight line can be quite far from the true distance between these points, which follows an arc on the surface of the Earth. The typical way to estimate this distance is to assume the Earth is a sphere (it isn't exactly spherical but pretty close), and to use the haversine formula to compute the distance between the two points:
\[ 2r \arcsin\left(\sqrt{\sin^2\left(\frac{\text{lat}_2 - \text{lat}_1}{2}\right) + \cos(\text{lat}_1) \cos(\text{lat}_2)\sin^2\left(\frac{\text{lon}_2 - \text{lon}_1}{2}\right)}\right) \]
where the two points are \((\text{lat}_1, \text{lon}_1)\) and \((\text{lat}_2, \text{lon}_2)\) and \(r\) is the Earth's radius (6371 km). Be sure to convert lat/lon to radians (multiply by \(\pi\) and divide by 180.0) before using built-in trigonometric functions (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haversine_formula).
For each of the three logs, compute the "connect the dots" distance between all points in the trace using the haversine formula. How does it compare to the measure .306 miles (492.5 meters)?
In addition, plot each of the three files on a map. We've provided a script, csv2kml.py, that will convert a csv file with a header line that includes "Lat" and "Lon" fields into a KML file that you can view on Google Earth or import into Google My Maps (https://mapsengine.google.com/map/). If you'd prefer, you may visualize these files using some other method than Google Maps / Google Earth.
The deliverables for this task are the connect-the-dots distance you computed for the three different walks, as well as a plot of each of the three walks you did on a map.
For this task, you will compare the battery drain of the cellular and GPS location accuracy settings. To do this, you'll need to start logging and let the app run for several hours (4 hours should be long enough), and then compare the battery level and the rate of drain while the app runs.
For the cellular and GPS settings
Once you have the two log files, make a plot of the battery level of each over time, by using the time and battery level fields in the file. You can make your plot which whichever tool you like: Google Charts, Excel, pyplot, etc.
The deliverable for this task is the graph of the battery drain of the two different location methods. Note that if you don't have cellular service on the phone, running with cellular accuracy may produce results different than you expect!
Write up your answers to the following items in a single PDF file and submit the PDF file on GradeScope by Feb 20, 11:59 PM. If you work with a partner, you only need to submit once. You can get a checkoff during Office Hours within a week after the submission deadline. You do not need to submit your code, but we may ask to look at your code during the checkoff.
) (Three answers)During the checkoff, we may ask you to show a demonstration of an Application, show the experiments' results, or explain if and why the results are as expected (or unexpected).